Boone Chamber CEO Dan Meyer To Retire

Dan vest

Dan Meyer, President of the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce, announced to the Board of Directors on Tuesday, April 5 his plan to retire from the Chamber after the 2016 Annual Meeting in August.  He has served 12 years as the Chamber’s chief executive.

Meyer, who just turned 70 on March 31, became President/CEO in September of 2004.  He previously served on the Board of Directors and was Board Chair two times since coming to Boone in 1989.  Prior to becoming president, he served as Executive Director of Appalachian Brian Estates for 15 years.

“It’s just time,” Meyer says.  “I came to the Chamber fully committed to making a meaningful contribution to the community that has become our home.  Now it is time to fulfill other commitments.  Pam and I will soon hit the 50-year mark in our marriage and we have some bucket-list things to do.  My grandchildren are my legacy and I want to spend quality time with them.  I also have a spiritual commitment to fulfill to be involved in mission projects locally and globally.  Sharing the Good News of Christ is one privilege I cannot retire from.”

Meyer has led the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce to an 800 member association, which serves as the unified voice of the business community.  The chamber unites hundreds of professionals, organizations, and educational institutions, which are committed to building a better community.

“I believe the chamber has never been healthier – an enthusiastically involved membership, good fiscal stability, a great office space, a dedicated board and an energetic competent staff that I know will provide great continuity through this transition.  Only great things lay ahead.  New leadership will bring fresh eyes and new ideas to take the chamber into the future.”

“One of the most rewarding things is the working partnerships that we have forged over the years with so many governmental and community organizations.  That is what the chamber is about – partnering and promoting to enhance economic growth and quality of life for every member of the region.”

Gillian Baker, Chair of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, says: “Dan’s knowledge of the community has been a catalyst for determining the needs of businesses in the region.  During his tenure the Chamber has realized growth in services, and education and developed innovative programs to enhance area businesses.  His management of the Chamber, from both fiscal and human resources aspects has been exemplary.  He represents the Chamber with integrity and meets needs of not only members, but the board and staff as well.”

Chuck Eyler, the incoming Chair of the Chamber’s Board of Directors states, “Strong community partnerships don’t just happen.  They are forged out of the hard work and bridge building of people like Dan Meyer. Representatives from the Chamber Board will begin the search for Dan’s successor immediately.  We will have Dan onboard for a few more months, so I am confident there will be a seamless transition to new leadership,” Eyler said.

During his tenure at the Chamber, Meyer was instrumental in developing new programs and advancing the work of the Chamber:  Program Partners, Watauga Leadership Challenge, Young Professionals, ShopLOCAL Campaign, everGREEN initiatives, BOONE: My Hometown, securing the new office on West King Street, Hand of Hospitality Program with the Town of Boone, Signature Sponsorships of special programs, and more.