Walgreens To Replace Green Mother Goods on King Street? Board of Adjustment Hears Request Tonight

By Jesse Wood

Originally published April 25, 2013. Another Walgreens may be coming to Boone. If approved, this one would be located where Green Mother Goods and a neighboring vacant building currently exist.

The Boone Board of Adjustment will hear a zoning request for the property that is located at 114 and 116 West King Street on Thursday, May 2, at 5:30 p.m.

Rendering of the proposed development. SW view, King Street

Matt DeMeyers of Avenue D Company is applying for a special use permit on the behalf of Walgreens. The property is owned by Dale Whisenant. 

“The applicants are also requesting landscape buffer variances to UDO Section 363 Buffer and Screen Requirements and Section 366 Screening Along Streets,” according to the application.

The development consists of one 15,450-square-foot building including 11,400 square feet on the ground level with 4,050 square feet of stock room space, offices and restrooms on the second floor and 22 parking spaces. 

Information in the packet for the upcoming meeting states that the developer’s team of architects and engineers have reviewed the Town of Boone’s Unified Development Ordinance and “has worked diligently to comply with the intent and spirit of the UDO.”

The existing properties are 2,200 square feet and 1,382 square feet. 

The owner of Green Mother Goods couldn’t be reached late Thursday afternoon, yet concerning posts about the future of the property and the hearing notice were on the company’s Facebook page.

“Good-bye Green Mother Goods, hello Walgreens?” the Tuesday post asked. “If this happens we will relocate somewhere else downtown; but please do not like this post! We have been here for over five years in hopes of buying the property in order to keep it as a community resource, which is the saddest part to me 🙁 The fate of this spot in our town now lies in the hands of the Board of Adjustments.”

See Board of Adjustment Agenda: http://www.townofboone.com/notices/BOA/2013/20130502.pdf

See Green Mother Goods Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/greenmothergoods?fref=ts