July 3, 2012. Calling all Businesses: Whether you have a store front or area home based, come be a part of the Avery Chamber Business Expo on August 28 from 9 am to 4 pm. The Home Based and Small Business Expo will be held at the Chapman Center of the Williams YMCA of Avery County. There is a minimal fee to participate and the event is free to the public so a great turn out is expected.
Advertising will be placed online, in newspapers, on the radio and in general print media. A table will be provided for you, and there will be limited electricity hookups (so please be sure to note that on your application). We are looking forward to this event and look forward to your participation.
Note: Displays, tablecloth and power cord will be supplied by each business.
Call 828-898-5605 ext. 223 or email director@averycounty.com for more information.
As always, What Can the Chamber of Commerce Do For You?
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