Banner Elk Volunteers Ask for Cash Donations to Help Victims Get Back Up on Their Feet While Still Providing Basic Necessities
October 7, 2024 On Sunday afternoon the Banner Elk donation center was a hotbed of activity. Situated in the old Historic Banner Elk School, the Resource Center has been the place where local volunteers have been receiving donations. Volunteers were busy receiving, sorting and organizing donations of everything from toilet paper, to paper towels, to diapers, to canned soup, even MREs that have arrived from across the region. Nancy Owen of Banner Elk who directs the town’s Tourism Development Authority was on hand helping to coordinate the process Through purely exhausted eyes but with the vibrancy of the energizer bunny she remarked that, while overwhelmingly grateful for all of these donations, what the residents of Banner Elk and surrounding communities really need now was cash assistance. “We need cash. We are able to fill peoples basic needs of food and drinking water which they need in order to survive, but these folks are going to need money to move beyond this tragedy.” By Dolores Smith