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Appalachian State College Democrats Release Update Following Appalachian State University Graduate Student Government Association Resolution

By Sam Garrett

In a press release issued on March 25, the Appalachian State College Democrats provided an update regarding what is deemed “Chancellor Everts’ assault on freedom of speech & expression.”

The press release reads: “Following the release of the Graduate Student Government Association of Appalachian State University’s resolution today, we can confirm that App State’s assault on LGBTQ+ rights is broader than the policies mentioned previously.”

“What Sheri Everts and ASU are doing is similar to a full frontal assault in battle,” stated Jack Yordy, President of the Appalachian State College Democrats.

The press release further listed policies including the firing of four queer and trans faculty without reason, including the founding members of the Queer & Trans Staff and Faculty group, as well as the firing of between five and six employees from the Title IX office in the past 12 months. 

“5-6 members of the Title IX office have been fired,” Yordy said. “This will reduce the number of people that help prevent and investigate sexual assault claims on campus.”

Another policy listed includes the failure to provide appropriate healthcare to trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students.

“App state will not provide hormone replacement therapy for the trans community,” Yordy said.

Lastly, the press release mentions the pausing of App Allies training, a program that informs and educates students and faculty on queer issues.

“University leadership has stopped training faculty and staff about queer issues,” Yordy said. “This training helped protect the LBGT community and helped everyone work together.”

The release of the statement came after a resolution the Appalachian State University Graduate Student Government Association released on March 25. In the resolution, it states, “Be it further resolved that the Appalachian State University Graduate Student Government Organization unequivocally condemns the following actions of the Appalachian State University Administration…”

Listed on the document are: The cancellation of all Pride Week events involving drag performers, the changing of the name of “Pride Week” to “Spring Fest” without consulting with the Appalachian State University Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA), the Student Government Association (SGA), and the wider student body of the University as an institution, the recent firings of at least four Queer & Trans Staff and Faculty, the recent firing of approximately 5-6 employees from the Title IX Office within the past year, the lack of appropriate staffing for the Henderson Springs LGBTQ+ Center, and the lack of appropriate healthcare for the TNBGE community.

The end of the press release from the Appalachian State College Democrats reads: “We again demand that these policies, in addition to those previously mentioned, be nullified, withdrawn, and resolved. We will continue to expose the university’s unethical and discriminatory behavior. More to come soon.”

The App State College Democrats are holding a student rally on Wednesday, April 3rd in Sanford Mall.

23-24-Resolution (Pride Week – for Monday 3/25)

Appalachian State University Graduate Student Government Association

Resolution: Celebrating Spring Fest PRIDE WEEK 2024 and the LGTBQ2IA+ Community While Denouncing the Lack of Minority Support from the Appalachian State University

Author(s): Senator(s) Elizabeth Elrod (Music Therapy), Sarah Teague (Social Work) To read as follows:

WHEREAS, the Appalachian State University is committed to representing all students; and WHEREAS, the Appalachian State University is dedicated to fostering a community that

embraces and includes students from diverse backgrounds and identities; and

WHEREAS, the Appalachian State University traditionally honors Pride Week in April to acknowledge and celebrate the many contributions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Two (2)-Spirit, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, and all other LGBTQ2IA+ identifying peoples of any sexual orientation, romantic orientation, relationship orientation, or gender identity to our institution, community, and nation; and

WHEREAS, Pride Week sends a powerful message that the university is committed (not just performatively, but in actuality) to diversity, inclusion, and social justice. It is vital and demonstrates dedication to creating a safe and supportive campus environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and personally; and

WHEREAS, the Appalachian State University Administration has directed renaming the “Pride Week” / “Pride Fest” held in April to “Spring Fest”, thus, hiding or even denouncing their support of the LGBTQ2IA+ community. The University Administration has also canceled all events involving drag performances; and

WHEREAS, “drag” is defined as entertainment in which performers caricature or challenge gender stereotypes (as by dressing in clothing that is stereotypical of another gender, by using exaggeratedly gendered mannerisms, or by combining elements of stereotypically male and female dress) and often wear elaborate or outrageous costumes (Merriam-Webster); and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Appalachian State University Graduate Student Government Organization unequivocally supports the week-long celebration of Pride. Furthermore, it commits to actively promoting the wide variety of activities and events conducted by the University to its constituents, ensuring broad participation and recognition of this important observance; and

23-24-Resolution (Pride Week – for Monday 3/25)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Appalachian State University Graduate Student Government Organization unequivocally condemns the following actions of the Appalachian State University Administration:

● The cancellation of all Pride Week events involving drag performers,
○ Including the cancellation of a drag show on Tuesday, March 19, 2024; and

  • ●  The changing of the name of “Pride Week” to “Spring Fest” without consulting with the Appalachian State University Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA), the Student Government Association (SGA), and the wider student body of the University as an institution; and
  • ●  The recent firings of at least four (4) Queer & Trans Staff and Faculty (QTSAF*), three of whom received no information as to the cause of this termination (three of these employees being members of the transgender, nonbinary, gender-expansive (TNBGE) community). This includes:
    • ○  The firing of Jax Lastinger (they/them) on March 5th, 2024, without cause and without an immediate replacement. Jax was the former Director of DEI Educational Development and Campus Climate Strategies,
    • ○  The firing of Sarah Hoffert (she/her) in October of 2023. Sarah was an Interpersonal Violence Specialist in Case Management,
      • *The Queer and Trans Staff and Faculty (QTSAF) group, founded in May 2021, is a gathering of folks across the queer and trans/LGBTQ+ spectrum at Appalachian State. [Their] goal is to provide community, support, and advocacy for queer and trans folks on campus and work to make [the] campus a more inclusive space,
      • Jax Lastinger and Sarah Hoffert were the founding members of this organization,
    • ○  The firing of MB Bowen (they/them) in March of 2023. MB was a Title IX Investigator,
    • ○  The firing of Kora Smith (she/they) in September of 2023. Kora was a Housekeeper in Housing; and
  • ●  The recent firing of approximately 5-6 employees from the Title IX Office within the past year; and
  • ●  The lack of appropriate staffing for the Henderson Springs LGBTQ+ Center, as evidenced by:
    • ○  An outdated website with programs and organizations listed that are no longer running or have never run,
    • ○  An outdated calendar with no events scheduled,
    • ○  Outdated social media accounts with very few to no recent posts,
    • ○  The delayed release of the “Spring Fest” schedule,
    • 23-24-Resolution (Pride Week – for Monday 3/25)
    • ○ And the policing of language and promotion of events that involve terms like “queer” and/or “drag”; and
    • ● The lack of appropriate healthcare for the TNBGE community, such as:
    • ○  The lack of a qualified physician who may prescribe life-saving hormone replacement therapy (HRT) through the M. S. Shook Student Health Service Clinic, and
    • ○  Inadequate access to hormone replacement therapy through the M. S. Shook Student Health Services Pharmacy.