Watauga County Habitat for Humanity is pleased to announce that their homeownership application window is open, and they are accepting applications from now until February 28, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
In order to apply to become a homeowner, please visit their website at www.wataugahabitat.org to view and download the application, or call 828-268-9545 to learn more. Watauga County Habitat for Humanity is a local nonprofit organization focused on building safe and affordable homes with local families and individuals in need. To date, Watauga Habitat has constructed 34 homes since their inception over 30 years ago.
Staff at Watauga Habitat for Humanity invite all who have questions about the application process to contact their office. There are many misconceptions about becoming a Habitat for Humanity homeowner, and you may qualify.
In order to qualify to build and buy a Watauga Habitat for Humanity home, applicants must meet three criteria.
1). NEED: Must be in need of better housing due to living in unsafe or unhealthy conditions, unaffordable rent, or homes that are inaccessible for different abilities or damage from natural disasters.
2). WILLINGNESS TO PARTNER: Habitat Homeowners contribute hundreds of “sweat equity” hours, or volunteer hours, in order to build their own home and support the Habitat program. 3). ABILITY TO PAY: Watauga Habitat homeowners must be able to pay an affordable, interest-free mortgage, and must fall within 40% – 70% of the HUD Median Guidelines for the Area. An affordable mortgage will cost no more than 30% of a homeowners annual income. More information on the current income guidelines can be found on the Watauga Habitat for Humanity website under the “Section Criteria & Income Guidelines” tab.
For those who are able, please consider donating to Watauga Habitat for Humanity to support their new construction program. All donations directly support Watauga Habitat’s mission of building homes, communities and hope with those in Watauga County. The need for affordable housing is great in Watauga County. Through an affordable mortgage and a safe, energy-efficient Watauga Habitat home, homeowners are able to establish an emergency savings fund, invest in their education, afford nutritious food and more. Studies show that children who grow up in stable, adequate and affordable housing have improved academic achievement, which provides a life-long benefit.

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