Vietnam War 50th Commemoration Pinning Ceremony to be held at Avery County VFW Post on Friday, November 10th

Various events to honor those considered to be among our nation’s greatest assets—military veterans—are held nationwide each November 11th on a day designated as Veterans Day in the United States of America. 

In partnership with the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx invites all Vietnam-era veterans residing in North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District to be honored in a Vietnam War 50th Commemoration Pinning Ceremony and receive a Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin for Veterans Day. 

The ceremony will be held from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m. the day before Veterans Day, Friday, November 10th, at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Pat Ray Post 4286, located at 3139 Millers Gap Highway, approximately three-and-a-half miles South of Newland in Avery County.

The 5th Congressional encompasses the northwest part of North Carolina from the foothills of the Piedmont to the southern highlands of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Twelve counties make up the 5th Congressional District– Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Davie, Forsyth, Mitchell, Stokes, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yadkin.

All 5th District constituents who served in our nation’s armed forces during the Vietnam War-era (November 1st, 1955 to May 15th,1975) in combat or non-combat roles are eligible and urged to attend and receive a lapel pin.  The Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin is a commemorative pin presented to Vietnam veterans across the country as a lasting memento of the nation’s thanks for their service and sacrifice. These true heroes deserve the commendation that many may have never received, and that is the goal of this ceremony.

Congresswoman Foxx will attend the ceremony and present each Vietnam War-era veteran present with a lapel pin and apply the pin to their clothing.

For those who are interested in participating and being recognized during the pinning ceremony, please complete and return the application, found on the Congresswoman’s website (Foxx.House.Gov), and submit a copy of your DD-214 form to the Congresswoman’s Boone District Office no later than November 3rd. The DD Form 214, generally referred to as a “DD 214”, is a document of the United States Department of Defense, issued upon a military service member’s retirement, separation, or discharge from active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States (ArmyNavyMarine CorpsAir ForceSpace Force, and/or Coast Guard).

If a copy of the DD-214 form is needed, please request one with the Congresswoman’s district staff prior to the event. To ask questions or to obtain additional information on the pinning ceremony, please contact Audrey Bishop in the Boone District Office by phone (828) 265-0240 or email (

Veterans Day (originally named Armistice Day) coincides with other holidays, including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which are commemorated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I.  Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. At the urging of major United States veteran organizations, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954. 

The Vietnam Conflict (Vietnam War) is different for many Vietnam veterans having combat roles  than it was for veterans of other foreign wars such as World War I, World War II, The Korean Conflict, and the Gulf War. Vietnam War veterans came back to find the United States torn apart by debate over that conflict. There were no victory parades or welcome-home rallies. Instead, many Vietnam veterans serving in combat roles returned to a general society that did not seem to care about them. Those feelings have seemed to subsided over time and tributes such as the pinning ceremony are being held to honor Vietnam veterans.

“My father and uncles were World War II veterans, my brother served in Vietnam, and I am very appreciative of the sacrifices made to protect this great country and its citizens,” said 5th District Congresswoman (Representative) Foxx. “The entire nation owes our military personnel and veterans a huge debt of gratitude and ensuring that debt is properly repaid is one of my top priorities in Congress.”

Because it is a federal holiday, some American workers and many students have Veterans Day off from work or school. When Veterans Day falls on a Saturday such as this year, then either Saturday or the preceding Friday may be designated as the holiday, whereas if it falls on a Sunday it is typically observed on the following Monday. When it falls on the weekend day, many private companies offer it as a floating holiday in which employees can choose some other day to be off from work.

Distinct from Memorial Day, a United States public holiday each May, Veterans Day commemorates the service of all American veterans, while Memorial Day honors American veterans who died while in military service.  Another military holiday that also occurs in May, Armed Forces Day, honors those currently serving in the United States military. 

Additionally, Women Veterans Day is recognized by a growing number of states in America that specifically honor women who have served in its military.

(Some information in this article courtesy of the office of U.S. 5th District Congresswoman Virginia Foxx)