Avery County Young Professionals Distributes $40,000 to Hurricane Recovery Grant Recipients

 The Avery County Young Professionals board gathers after finalizing checks for the first round of Build Back Avery grant recipients, marking a significant step in supporting the community’s recovery efforts following Hurricane Helene. (Left to right: Debra Foxx, Malea Avery, Dalton Kilby, Nicole Tatum, Victoria Breckenridge, Hayden Breckenridge)

Avery County Young Professionals (ACYP) is proud to announce the success of the Build Back Avery grant program, which distributed $40,000 in its first round to help Avery County residents recover and rebuild in the wake of Hurricane Helene. The devastating storm caused widespread damage across Avery County, leaving many families facing significant hardships. Through grassroots efforts and community support, ACYP provided meaningful assistance to 84 applicants, reaching every township in the county.

The grants addressed critical needs such as driveway repairs, home repairs, utility payments, and grocery and gas expenses. Of the $40,000 distributed, $35,000 went directly to applicants in the form of checks, $3,000 was paid to utility companies on applicant’s behalf, and $2,000 was allocated to gas and grocery cards. “I’m proud of the way the young professionals in our community have stepped up to create the Build Back Avery Program,” said Dalton Kilby, President of ACYP. “This whole initiative started just days after the storm while many on our team were dealing with their own very major personal losses. We are so thankful for the donors and community support and are glad we’re able to make a small but meaningful impact for so many families across Avery County.”

The program was made possible through individual donations and contributions from local businesses. Mountain Grounds Coffee hosted in-store fundraising efforts, Grandfather Vineyard & Winery held a benefit concert, Bramble Media and Marketing organized a benefit Christmas photoshoot, and Banner Elk Shirt Company designed and sold “Build Back Avery” shirts with proceeds supporting the program.

A grant recipient shared their appreciation, stating, “I am retired and live on a fixed income, so I needed assistance to afford the cost of stone. My daughter and I have been helping others, delivering supplies to local churches and organizations, but we also need help with our driveway. This support is truly appreciated.” Stories like these underscore the importance of community-driven programs like Build Back Avery.

ACYP has formally applied for 501(c)(3) non-profit status and hopes to continue the Build Back Avery program with future funding rounds. The first round of grants capped payouts at $500 per applicant to reach as many people as possible, but the organization aims to raise additional funds to address larger needs in the county. Future plans include implementing other community grant initiatives, such as the Avery County Educator Grants set to launch later this year.

Founded in August 2023, Avery County Young Professionals has grown to over 50 members and is dedicated to fostering the growth of young professionals while giving back to the community. Through networking, volunteering, and community-focused initiatives, ACYP strives to create a lasting positive impact in Avery County.

ACYP invites donations and partnerships to support future grant rounds and expand the Build Back Avery program. For more information, visit averyyoungpros.com or follow @averyyoungpros on social media.

About the Avery County Young Professionals:

Avery County Young Professionals is a 100% volunteer-run organization dedicated to fostering the growth of young professionals while giving back to the community. Through networking, volunteering, and community-focused initiatives, ACYP aims to create a lasting positive impact in Avery County. For more information, visit averyyoungpros.com.